
klein, praktisch, unverdaulich seit 2004

ecto 2.2.5

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Bloggen ohne ecto kann ich mir nicht mehr vorstellen. Adriaan war mal wieder fleissig und hat ein paar Bugs entfernt:

✓ Fixed serious bug where locally saved drafts would not upload attachments. This only occurred in Rich text mode and after opening a previously saved draft with attachments.
✓ The entry list's show/hide contextual menu item did not work for the Status column. Fixed.
✓ Removed dependency on older Growl framework per changes forthcoming in Growl 0.7.
✩ Added advanced preference to set whether to use the date of the last save for posting a new entry or the current date.
✓ Stationeries should not save the date. Fixed (applies to new stationeries only).
✩ Better selection of primary categories.
✓ KNOWN ISSUE: if the draft window's toolbar has no icons, select Window->Customize Toolbar... and drag the default set to the toolbar.

Am Rande: Adriaan stellt jetzt wohl immer mal wieder ein mit ecto gefüttertes Weblog (ecto powered blog of the week) vor.

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